Dear Explorer Families,

Please come to a planning meeting for The Epiphany Explorers families.  We will host a meeting at our home at 7:00 PM to plan our activities for the 2009-2010 school year.  Please bring a dessert to share. 

Get back with us by Monday, August 17, with your first, second, and third choice of date.  We will do our best to make it as convenient for as many families as possible.  We will e-mail you a confirmation of the date and send a note home through the school inviting new families to join us. 

We are changing the format of The Epiphany Explorers Club.  We will schedule a family outing each month.  Most of them will have a day or overnight option.  We will no longer have classroom sessions at school.  We found that the outings were the most enjoyable, well attended, and the best use of our time.  The classroom sessions were poorly attended, a great deal of work, and not convenient for many families. 

Choices of dates for planning meeting:  Friday, August 21; Friday, August 28; or Friday, September 4. 

Sandy & Bruce Lyon