Directions to Florida Trail Hike in Osceola National Forest
US-90 East to Olustee. One mile beyond the flashing light is the
intersection with CR-250A. Turn left and follow
CR-250A North about 4 miles. Watch for the campground sign and
turn left.
Watch carefully for the Florida Trail sign. You can park on
the shoulder of the road. We will have vehicles at the end to
bring drivers back to the starting point. We expect to start at 9:00 am, and will have an Explorers sign and at least one car at the starting point. The hike is about 2.5 miles and should take about two hours, depending upon the pace. We will be hiking from FR 268 near Ocean Pond to Cobb Camp on FR 235. (Map)

Some of us will be camping at the Ocean Pond Campground Friday night. All are welcome to join us. Please let us know your plans so we will know whom to expect.
Telephone: 386-719-6902